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Filter YouTube Trends with Trends v2 for YouTube™

Trends v2 for YouTube™ is a free Chrome add-on developed by Lars. It falls under the category of Browsers and the subcategory of Add-ons & Tools. This program allows users to filter the YouTube™ Trends according to their preferences.

With Trends v2 for YouTube™, you have the option to block channels by their channel name or ID. This means that you can easily avoid content from specific channels that you are not interested in. Additionally, you can also block specific buzzwords, such as "Corona", to filter out videos related to a particular topic.

In addition to channel and buzzword blocking, Trends v2 for YouTube™ offers the ability to hide "Creators on the rise" and trend categories like "Music" or "Gaming". This allows you to customize your YouTube™ Trends feed to suit your personal preferences.

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